Casey Jovanna


Dead Effect 2 – play it on Android device


It really annoys me every time I see huge potential in a game, which then materialize in nothing or too little. That’s what happens with Dead Effect 2, which has a great atmosphere, a lot of weapons, but also huge prices and very high difficulty levels. Not to mention that I got this game with only light weapons, although it is a FPS game. Those who are curious can play it for free on their Android device.

The story puts us in the shoes of Gunnar Davis, Jane Grey or Kay Rayner. Don’t choose to play with Kay Rayner, because you will play this shooter game only with a crossbow that would make even Daryl from Walking Dead to juice up a samurai sword. But let’s continue with the story. So, you will be at the board of the ship ESS Meridian, after the death of the villain from the first game and you will have to fight with soldiers sent to clean up.

The atmosphere is full of horror, even though you will simply know just what comes from front, rear and multiple corridors around. I must say that graphics look excellent and I have not seen any weird texture, although the level design is rather limited and we always see metal corridors of the ship, the ship and again the ship.

It is extremely difficult to move fluid and effective when you are defending yourself, to aim with your crossbow or to fight close quarters. The game control is maybe the bad part of the game. Not to mention that the attack button does not respond always even if you happen to be in a really serious situation. If you have enough patience and play, you will receive genetic augmentations, Deus Ex style and you will enjoy the game with auto aim weapons that will fill with headshots.

Besides the regular campaign the game also includes secondary missions, in which you play for money and experience. The usually involve the survival of a wave of zombies, stopping some gas valves, finding some PDAs or hunting cyber ninjas. Dead Effect 2 has some serious problems, but the atmosphere and the terror that induces are simply too delicious.

This is good game taking into consideration the fact that it was made for mobiles and it is really worthy to be tried especially if you like horror games.